FUCHSIA, Bicentennial (Giant)

Fuchsia Bicentennial

Fuchsia Bicentennial

Bicentennial is a semi-trailing fuchsia which features gorgeous double orange-magenta corollas and pale orange sepals and trailing stems of bright green foliage. A mounded branching form produces clusters of these large, frilly flowers all summer long, making this a real showstopper in any garden setting. This mid-season bloomer is excellent for planters and hanging baskets.  Prefers partly shaded areas. Protect the plants from harsh afternoon sun, and from drying winds and frost. Remove spent blooms or dead head them throughout the season to keep the blooms coming. Attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators.

Bloom TimeBlooms from late spring until first hard frost.
HabitSpreading; trailing
Height8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Width12-20 inches (30-51 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried & True varieties, but looks good as a monoculture basket or planter.
WateringKeep soil evenly moist. Avoid over watering.
FeedingFertilize regularly with balanced plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in part sun to part shade.

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