(brack tee AN thah)

Tried & True Bracteantha
Bracteantha hybrid
These Bracteantha or Straw Flowers have gorgeous, large flowers which have a paper-like feel. The dark green narrow foliage lets the unique blooms shine. The flowers have a distinct double daisy look, but there is an important difference – true petals are found only at the center of each bloom – the display comes from the surrounding petal-like bracts. These bracts are straw and paper-like. They bloom from early spring right through to early fall and offer a neat, compact growth habit. Low maintenance and great in virtually any garden setting from garden beds and borders to baskets and window boxes. Flowers can be cut and dried.
Please select flower to see care instructions.
Varieties Listing
These early flowering straw flowers are beautiful, large, and dark rose in colour. This is an excellent selection with compact growth habit, superior branching and narrower leaves. High-light and cool temperatures will improve plant quality significantly. Origami Dark Rose has excellent summer performance and is very easy to grow. Straw flowers excel in pots, hanging… Read more »
These early flowering straw flowers are beautiful, large, and vibrant orange in colour. This is an excellent selection with compact growth habit, superior branching and narrower leaves. High-light and cool temperatures will improve plant quality significantly. Origami Orange has excellent summer performance and is very easy to grow. Straw flowers excel in pots, hanging baskets,… Read more »
These early flowering straw flowers are beautiful, large, and bright yellow in colour. This is an excellent selection with compact growth habit, superior branching and narrower leaves. High-light and cool temperatures will improve plant quality significantly. Origami Yellow has excellent summer performance and is very easy to grow. Straw flowers excel in pots, hanging baskets,… Read more »
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