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Tried & True Euphorbia
Euphorbia hypericifolia
There are thousands of species of Euphorbia in the plant world, also known as Spurge. In a broad range of species, habits, and forms, they can range from herbs to shrubs and trees to succulents. No matter what type you decide upon, Euphorbias are extremely easy to grow. There are not a lot of plants that can thrive with so little attention. Add drama and variety with Euphorbia’s high-impact flowers and foliage. Easily adaptable, most evergreen, with a fine array of foliage colours, they can coordinate with any planting scheme.
Our Tried & True Euphorbia are long lasting plants which require minimal maintenance from the gardener and yield great results. They are versatile and have tremendous flower power and durability. The dainty flowers add texture and airiness to any combination planters or baskets.
Please note, Euphorbia has a milky sap that may irritate the skin.
Please select flower to see care instructions.
Varieties Listing
Ice Mist has long-lasting airy petite white blooms and is reminiscent of Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila). It produces a profuse mass of self-cleaning flowers all year-round in moderate climates or from early spring to frost in cooler zones. Ice Mist is a compact selection that branches well and grows in unison with its partner plants in… Read more »
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