CALIBRACHOA, Sweet Chimes™ Blackcurrant

Calibrachoa Sweet Chimes Blackcurrant is a prolific trailing bloomer with dark purple and yellow-eyed flowers that resemble mini-petunias. Flowers open early in the morning and stay open in cloudy weather. Blooms from early spring until late autumn. Excellent for hanging baskets, mixed containers, window boxes and planters.

Bloom TimeConstant colour all summer until first hard frost.
Height8-10" (20-25 cm)
Width24-28" (60-70 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried & True varieties. Looks especially good with Bacopa Vanilla Shake and Bidens Goldilocks.
WateringRegularly, but allow soil to dry slightly between watering.
FeedingRegularly with a high nitrogen plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in full to partial sun.