DAHLIA, Mystic Dreamer


Accomplished New Zealand breeder Dr. Keith Hammett has spent years working on a distinctive Dahlia series of fashionable, more contemporary kind of plants perfect for today’s gardens. These beauties are set apart from other Dahlia varieties by their delicate deep mahogany to black foliage topped with masses of rich flower coloured blooms. They have strong sturdy stems and do not require staking. The Mystic Dahlia series are low maintenance and are ideal for containers, borders, and garden beds. These spectacular flowers attract bees and butterflies and make exceptional cut flowers. Deadhead spent flowers to extend blooming time. Dreamer has pretty soft pink and cream striped blooms with golden centers.

Bloom TimeBlooms all summer until first hard frost.
Height20-30" (51-76 cm)
Width18-24" (46-61 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried and True varieties. Looks good as a monoculture planter.
WateringKeep evenly moist. Allow soil to dry slightly between watering.
FeedingFeed regularly with a balanced plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in full sun.

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