FUCHSIA, Gartenmeister

Fuchsia Gartenmeister

Fuchsia Gartenmeister

Gartenmeister Fuchsia is a great container plant because of its upright habit. It has dark bronze-green foliage with red-purple undersides and veins. Sometimes it is known as Honeysuckle Fuchsia because it boasts clusters of showy long-tubed, brick red blooms resembling honeysuckle flowers. It can benefit with regular deadheading throughout its blooming time.
This heat tolerant fuchsia is a reliable bloomer and will attract not only hummingbirds, but other pollinators to your garden all summer long. Gartenmeister is well-suited for garden beds and containers.

Bloom TimeConstant colour all summer until first hard frost.
Height18-36" (46-91 cm)
Width24-36" (61-91 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried & True® varieties, but pairs well with Ipomoea Patio Lime and Coleus .
WateringKeep evenly moist. Allow soil to dry slightly between watering.
FeedingFeed regularly with a balanced plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in partial shade to sun.