SHISO, Green (Perilla)

Taste of the Season Shiso Green

Taste of the Season Shiso Green

Hardy annual with bright green, pronounced and spicy scented leaves. Shiso’s flavour is comparable to a basil-mint mix. Rich in calcium and iron. Commonly used in Asia for seasoning, colouring, pickling and garnishing. Small white flowers which arrive later in the season can be used as a decorative condiment.

Maturity80 - 85 days
Height36 - 39 inches (91 - 99 cm)
Spacing18 - 24 inches (46 - 61 cm)
LightSun to part-shade
SoilFertile, well-draining soil.
pH Range5.0 to 6.5
WateringKeep soil evenly moist
FertilizingBalanced fertilizer at the time of planting.
Nutrients RequiredNitrogen = high, Phosphorus = moderate, Potassium = moderate

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