CANNA LILY Cannova™ Red Shades

T&T Canna Cannova Red Shades

Cannova is an excellent performer and thrives in cooler summer climates. A profusion of showy red blooms and bluish-green tropical foliage makes Cannova a natural showpiece. Early flowering.

Bloom TimeBlooms from late spring until first hard frost.
Height30-48" (76-122 cm)
Width14-20" (36 - 51 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried & True® varieties. Ideal for mass plantings, bedded areas or mixed containers.
WateringKeep soil moist. Do not let the soil dry out.
FeedingFeed regularly with a balanced plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in full sun to partial shade; shelter from wind.