It’s mid March and people definitely have the gardening itch. So what are the garden trends for this year? Trends come and go, while some remain and become lifestyle choices. Here’s the low-down on what’s shaping the garden industry.
1. Foodscaping

Growing food at home is a continuing trend with more people growing their own due to food security, locavore movement and rising food prices. Fresh herbs, veggies and fruits are being planted not only in traditional garden beds, but in containers, balconies and even rooftops. Urban gardeners are looking for compact edibles that will produce good yields and taste delicious. Heirloom, organic and interesting varieties are piquing the novice and seasoned gardener as well as the food connoisseur. What will be the next new palate pleasing edible to capture the hearts of restaurant chefs and home cooks alike?
2. Native and eco-friendly gardens
Busy homeowners want beautiful, low maintenance and environmentally conscious landscapes. With the plight of butterflies and bees, people are being more ecologically mindful by choosing and planting trees and native plants to attract pollinators, birds and other wildlife. One of the most vital resources needed for gardening is water. Homeowners are finding creative ways to help safeguard like planting drought tolerant plants, replacing lawns with water-wise landscapes, and rainwater/gray water harvesting using “laundry to landscape” method.
3. Connecting to nature

Studies show the Generation Z, those born between 1995 to 2009, are going to be the most sedentary generation in human history. According to the David Suzuki Foundation, “The average North American child spends less than 30 minutes playing outside each day, and more than seven hours in front of a screen.” Scary thought! It’s so important to get children to put down their electronics and connect with Mother Nature with their parents. Join the “Suzuki Superhero Challenge” and let’s get our kids back outside.
4. The Crafters’ movement
There’s a shift in the DIY movement…crafters and naturalists unite! People are participating in nature driven home projects like making their own cleaners, Eco-Friendly DIY Insect Spray, natural plant dyes, painted stone garden markers or growing hops for your own craft brew.
5. Petscaping

Homeowners are making their outdoor spaces pet-friendly and pet-safe. Petscaping encourages healthy interaction between you, your pet and your natural surroundings. Remember to limit access to rhubarb, grapes, currants, onions, garlic, raw and green potatoes and tomato plants, all of which are poisonous to dogs.
Still stuck for ideas? Just take a stroll around your neighbourhood and see what inspires you. As long as you’re gardening and connecting with nature…you’re on trend!