Monthly Archives: February 2016

Bury Your Stress in the Garden

If the stresses of daily life are getting overwhelming, go out and garden.

At some point in everybody’s lives, they will feel overwhelmed by stress. It could be stress from upcoming exams, from work projects, or from life in general. No one is immune to stress. And different people deal with it in different ways. For example, I am someone so grossly unequipped to deal with even the… Read more »

T&T HQ: What’s Happening February

T&T HQ February

It’s really starting to ramp up here at T&T headquarters. With the season very quickly approaching, it is all hands on deck making sure all of our tiny plants are doing well and will be ready for the season. At this stage, most of our plants still look like this: And like this: But these… Read more »

Growing Green Thumbs: The Dirt on Dirt

The Dirt on Dirt: A Basic Guide to Soil

Soil provides the foundation for a plant’s vitality. Even if you provide your plants with the best of the best, like planting it in diamond encrusted containers or watering with bottles of Fengari Platinum, without good soil your plants will never reach their full potential. Kind of like the 40 year-old Harvard-educated, unemployed bachelor living… Read more »

Luck, Wealth & Health

Auspicious Flowers for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. While it is a time to honour deities and family ancestors, it is also a time to celebrate new beginnings. Flowers carry special significance during this time of year. Their growth after the long winter signifies life and good fortune. Decorating your… Read more »