Story time!
It was late last spring. Melody and I were up to our necks with catalogues and notes, researching potential additions to our Tried & True Edibles line. In all honesty, things weren’t going very smoothly. Instead of finding vegetable plants for the Edibles line, we kept encountering varieties that wouldn’t really fit in. The inspiration of Tried & True Edibles is to provide an accessible and complete collection of organic vegetable plants. These edibles are the everyday, go-to varieties that everyone knows and enjoys. But the vegetables that we were piquing our interest weren’t that. They were new and different and special. Like a cheezie in a bag of carrots!

(Photo Credit: Lily & Val)
Mel and I aren’t “foodies” in the traditional sense. We aren’t critical of every morsel that enters our mouths. We can’t discern subtle flavour palates or identify understated ingredients. We just really love food. And seeing these vegetable varieties, all we could think about were the dishes we could make. We were getting a little disappointed though, because we wouldn’t get to grow them. That is until, Mel suggested something that would change everything: make a new line of these unique and unusual vegetables. Taste of the Season was born.
Taste of the Season is where the love of gardening and the passion for food collide. Rather than growing typical every day vegetables, this line offers you the opportunity to grow unique and unusual varieties that will surely impress. Here you will find uncommon plants that produce colourful cauliflower, kale-brussels sprouts hybrid, mini watermelon-looking cucumbers and more. Plus, they are all 100% certified organic!
We are so proud of this line and hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Click here to see our entire Taste of the Season collection.
Click here to see our Taste of the Season catalogue.