The summer may be over but that doesn’t mean the gardening season has to be. Cool season plants means you can continue to harvest fresh veggies well into autumn. Here are some great vegetable options to grow this fall:
1. Broccoli
Broccoli tends to produce bigger, sweeter heads during the fall due to the cool weather. It is also a nutritional powerhouse, full of Vitamin C and K.
2. Kale
Kale tends to get sweeter once the cold temperatures hit. Tender, baby leaves can be harvested as early as 30 days, while it is fully matured at around 60 days.
3. Lettuce
Lettuce loves the cool weather. Plus, they have some of the shortest time-to-harvest.
4. Cabbage
Like their cousin kale, cabbages tend to improve in flavour in cooler temperatures.
5. Arugula
The shorter and cooler days of fall allows for arugula to thrive because it is not in a rush to produce flowers and seeds. This means more energy can be used to grow more leaves. Baby leaves can be picked in as little as 30 days.
6. Spinach
Like the other leafy greens on this list, spinach can be harvested early as baby leaves or a little later as mature leaves. And, as we know from Popeye, spinach is a good source of iron and Vitamin C.
7. Beets
Beets give you a great bang-for-your-buck since all parts of the plant are edible. Beet greens are great in smoothies or baked as chips. The stems make excellent pickles. And the roots are, well, delicious in too many ways to name. Although they make take a bit longer to fully mature, beets are quite hardy against frost.